Corrida Continued
Make sure you read the first entry on bull fights before this one.
Ally: Can we all share these seats together?
Lady: No dice.
Ally: Really?
Lady: Yup. Screw you gringos you are late and we were here first.
Ally: But here´s my ticket that says this seat is mine.
Lady: Screw you (grabbed the ticket and threw it away crumpled up)
Ally: Are you kidding me? (Ally is sick and tired of ecuadorians trying to take advantage of Gringos and thus decides to sit down in between lady and daughter)
Lady: (Booty shoves Ally over and daughter has to stand up)
Ally: (Booty shoves back)
Lady: (grabs Ally´s beer and spills it all over everyone then punches Ally in the face)
Ally: (Fist cocked ready to punch back)
And then all the men stepped in. I finally arrived, and the lady´s husband finally grabs her. Yup. I went to a bull fight and got treated to a cat fight for the price of admission. Everyone is furious that we are so late. We explain that we live in Ibarra and had to travel today because we are English teachers. The lady´s husband starts telling me that he only knows how to speak English because I am running my mouth in Spanish. I thus tell him that I only know how to speak French. He starts speaking in French so I told him fuck you and start to speak in Chinese. Languages and horrible words are flying everywhere. Ally is extremely pissed. I am extremely confused and annoyed. The fat lady is furious. And then the nice Ecuadorians finally stepped in.
They grab Ally and move between her and the other fat lady. No cops or police, but end of story. They give Ally a new beer and everyone goes to watch the bull fight with a chip on their shoulder. Ally thinks she should have punched the lady back. I tell her that she did the right thing. Long story short, it was a short incident, but a crazy one to say the least, and another confirmation of one of the biggest problems with Ecuadorians. They honestly think that they have a right to take advantage of gringos stricly hiding behind the language barrier. When that doesn´t work problems can easily arise, and luckily for us some of the nicest Ecuadorians we have met stepped in to avert a seious issue. God bless NASCAR, er the Bull Fight. I knew my analogy was correct.
Wow this entry on bull fights is going on way longer than I thought, and my bill is probably astronomical at this point. I am sure that no one is even still reading. If you are many thanks. Since I probably have carpal tunnel syndrome, I am going to stop for today. Stay tuned for the conclusion of the bull fight and an entry about chivas.
Cant believe I am going home in three weeks. Couldn´t be happier. Take care.
Ally: Can we all share these seats together?
Lady: No dice.
Ally: Really?
Lady: Yup. Screw you gringos you are late and we were here first.
Ally: But here´s my ticket that says this seat is mine.
Lady: Screw you (grabbed the ticket and threw it away crumpled up)
Ally: Are you kidding me? (Ally is sick and tired of ecuadorians trying to take advantage of Gringos and thus decides to sit down in between lady and daughter)
Lady: (Booty shoves Ally over and daughter has to stand up)
Ally: (Booty shoves back)
Lady: (grabs Ally´s beer and spills it all over everyone then punches Ally in the face)
Ally: (Fist cocked ready to punch back)
And then all the men stepped in. I finally arrived, and the lady´s husband finally grabs her. Yup. I went to a bull fight and got treated to a cat fight for the price of admission. Everyone is furious that we are so late. We explain that we live in Ibarra and had to travel today because we are English teachers. The lady´s husband starts telling me that he only knows how to speak English because I am running my mouth in Spanish. I thus tell him that I only know how to speak French. He starts speaking in French so I told him fuck you and start to speak in Chinese. Languages and horrible words are flying everywhere. Ally is extremely pissed. I am extremely confused and annoyed. The fat lady is furious. And then the nice Ecuadorians finally stepped in.
They grab Ally and move between her and the other fat lady. No cops or police, but end of story. They give Ally a new beer and everyone goes to watch the bull fight with a chip on their shoulder. Ally thinks she should have punched the lady back. I tell her that she did the right thing. Long story short, it was a short incident, but a crazy one to say the least, and another confirmation of one of the biggest problems with Ecuadorians. They honestly think that they have a right to take advantage of gringos stricly hiding behind the language barrier. When that doesn´t work problems can easily arise, and luckily for us some of the nicest Ecuadorians we have met stepped in to avert a seious issue. God bless NASCAR, er the Bull Fight. I knew my analogy was correct.
Wow this entry on bull fights is going on way longer than I thought, and my bill is probably astronomical at this point. I am sure that no one is even still reading. If you are many thanks. Since I probably have carpal tunnel syndrome, I am going to stop for today. Stay tuned for the conclusion of the bull fight and an entry about chivas.
Cant believe I am going home in three weeks. Couldn´t be happier. Take care.
Holy crap.
Next time grab the ladies panama hat and run.
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