Monday, April 09, 2007

4AM in the Morning

About two years ago my friend (names protected save the innocent) Schlongbert and his roommate Mrs. IAlwaysDraftSeanAlexander started to watch the DVD first season of 24 late on a Sunday afternoon. At this point in my lifetime I had no idea who Jack Bauer was or what CTU stood for. Thus I called Schlongbert the next day to see if he wanted to come play basketball with me. However, he was indisposed because he and his roommate and spent the ENTIRE night watching 24. In fact they only stopped watching the entire season because they had to go to work on Monday morning in 20 minutes. Thus my friend was, shall we say ¨mildly exhausted,¨ from powering through an entire night´s worth of 24, only to have to go for a full day´s work 20 minutes after the season ended.

So why would I tell this story on a blog about Ecuador?

This past Saturday afternoon I walked in on my family watching a televised marathon of 24 on television. I chuckled thinking about Schlongerbert and IDraftSeanAlexander and went to bed.

Nature called at 4AM, so naturally I got up to go to the bathroom and who should I find at 4AM in the morning in the television room, but none other than my ENTIRE family watching 24! Not even kidding one bit. By this point President Palmer was dead and Logan was sneakily redefining the meaning of the word ¨Patriotic.¨

I thus sat down to watch a for a little bit and I giddily listened to their in depth analysis. Every time the show went to commercial the whole family would start yelling about what they thought was going to happen next. It was absolutely hysterical. I will never forget the sound of my host Dad yelling at his family, ¨Será MEELES, Será MEELES!!, which basically means that my host Dad though one of the president´s security officers, Miles (English Pronounciation My-Lz), was responsible for some wrongdoing against Jack Bauer.

Thus you can bet your bottom dollar that we all watched Jack get involved for another season last night. Can´t believe that the guy from Harold and Kumar go to White Castle is responsible for a nation in ruins. Shouldn´t he be eating hamburgers and blowing off medical school?

Take care,


Blogger anonymous said...

Ok Ok another problem with who the !$$#)(*!$% Schlonbert et al are....But if I remember correctly, someone named "dog" something and his girlfriend from Chicago stayed up two nights in a row to see all of Lost......

12:05 PM  
Blogger ecuadortraveler said...

Too-shay, but I believe that it was Nip Tuck and not Lost. You probably know Schlongbert better as Matt-oh.

10:53 AM  
Blogger anonymous said...

are you suggesting that Nip Tuck is better than Lost? At least I now have another name for Matt/Steve as I've more or less forgotten the other 25...

2:52 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

Who is this Schlongbert character. Sounds kind of dreamy. I think a great song was born somewhere around 4am in the morning too. Something something Dawg....

2:24 AM  

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